Would Salman Rushdie not count as a 'Political Man'? Intrigued by your categories here!

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Hey Lily! Thanks for reading! I don’t think of him as primarily known as a politician or activist. He’s an author who got caught up in a fatwa unintentionally. And his book is not a biography by a memoir. It’s really very sweet, talks about his wife a lot, and imagines a conversation with his assailant that’s very empathetic while at the same time unforgiving. But in any case this is all meant in fun and obviously I was far off base this year with my predictions. Have you read any of these books yet?

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Sep 14Liked by Abra McAndrew

Ah fair! I think I've always thought of him as a political figure (small-p political obviously, in the sense that arts are political) - that might be a US/UK context thing? I haven't yet read any of the books - some of the titles are new to me so I had a satisfying time going off and finding more about him.

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Actually the US/UK context makes a lot of sense. I know from his memoir the UK provided him security and had a lot of state restrictions on his movements to protect him. Here we only do that for actual Presidents/VPs and their families. Everyone else we leave alone and it sounds like that’s why he moved to NYC— he got tired of living under protection.

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*but— on my phone and it’s not allowing me to edit my typos!

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