May 30Liked by Abra McAndrew

Keep going with this Abra! The themes you’re coming up with are so creative & unlike any organisation of ‘bookstacks’ I’ve seen on here! It’s cool xxx I’m enjoying it

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So glad you are enjoying it Martha! I’ll pull up my socks and get back to it soon.

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Agree completely with what @martha said!

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😅I will keep going with a little encouragement from my friends

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Thirding what Martha said! Thank you, Abra, for all your work bringing this resource together. It's invaluable to the book community!

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What an eclectic list Abra, thank you for including Footnotes and Tangents! It's a great initiative. I'd love to see a list of Substack read-alongs and slow readers at some point in the future – I think people would find that super useful!

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Good idea, Simon! Thank you.

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May 30Liked by Abra McAndrew

Wow this is amazing. Thank you so much for including me in such incredible company. What a list!

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Yes, it was fun to put it together. In awe of all the passion and talent shared by this group. Thanks for stopping by.

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May 30Liked by Abra McAndrew

Love these! It's great to come across new book publications

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Isn’t it? There are so many different approaches.

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